Why I rejoined the CakePHP core team

So…. this is awkward. Since 8th of August 2024 I am back in the CakePHP core team.

Why? Well, my detour to Laravel didn’t go as planned.

The main reason would be, that our company internal tool is very crucial for all kinds of things. And neither I nor my leadership wanted to spend 1000+ hours to refactor/rebuild the current app (which works very well) in Laravel just for a few templating preferences.

Do I still prefer Blade’s Dynamic Components over CakePHP’s built in Elements? Sure.

But this lead me to the realization, that I “just” have to recreate this kind of feature (or something similar) as a CakePHP plugin. Most likely a complete custom template engine – no idea how well this will go but we will see 😀

Thats why I am going to continue to improve my custom Template Engine

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