Most important commands for a local repository


Command: git init

Creates a GIT repository in the current working directory.


Command: git status

Compares the current state of the local repository (=commited) with the current state of the file system.

If difference have been found these will be shown as:

  • Untracked files
    • Files which have not been added to the repository at any time
  • Changes not staged for commit
    • Here we have 2 categories
    • “modified”: Already present files in the repository have been changed
    • “deleted”: Already present files in the repository have been deleted


Command: git add <filename> <foldername> <other-things>

Adds given folders and/or files to the “staging”.

This “staging” kann be finally added to the repository via a “git commit”.


Command: git commit -m “<message>”

Transfers all files from “staging” via a new “commit” into the repository.


Command: git reset <file> oder git reset <commit>

Removes given files from “staging”.
But you can also use git reset <commit> to set the repository to an older commit and therefore an older version of your software.


Command: git log

Shows the last commits inkl. messages in a list.


Command: git diff

Shows the difference between the current workspace and the files, that have been added to “staging”. Can also be specifically called for a file git diff <file> to just show the changes in that given file.


Command variatens

  • git checkout <commit-hash>
  • git checkout <filename> <foldername> <other-things>
  • git checkout <branch>
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